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Where Do We Go from here?

How has 2020 been for you? Probably like most, this year has fallen way short on expectations. As I reflect on this year at the halfway mark, I think two opinions sum it up nicely. On the one hand, some can say that the year has been a disaster, and everything should go back to “normal”. On the other hand, some may say this year has been an awakening and you are glad things may not return to “normal”. Either way, division ensues because everyone has an opinion. From Christ Flight’s perspective, we are trying to see this year as an opportunity. Here are two questions to consider:

1. What if God was moving in a big way during these times?

2. If so, what can I do to be a part of it?

As the world churns, Christians have a very unique opportunity to not be divisive, but to be inclusive by sharing the Hope and Love of Jesus Christ. “Normally”, we would be using aviation as a means to reach people for Christ. This year all our carefully laid plans have been halted. We took advantage of this opportunity to partner with churches to feed people in Honduras and Costa Rica. We partnered with other ministries to plant fields in Guaimaca. We repaired a roof and preached in San Jose. We served alongside other ministries in our community to provide food for people who were struggling. Lastly, we began laying the foundation for a discipleship program for at-risk teens. We believe God will return us to serving through aviation but right now he has bigger plans for Christ Flight and you. Are you up for the challenge? Do you want to be a part of what God is doing?

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